Last Update: May 23
- Co-chair Farewelll - Front Page
Co-Chair Farewell
Wow. As I sit in front of the computer typing this it.s the day after the wildest convention of my life. Almost two years ago I set out with the motto of .I can do anything I think I can, but I can.t do it alone. to build the most kick-ass convention that I could.
There are going to be a couple more clichés so bare with me. That vision I had of building the best Keycon I could stuck directly to that motto. There are so many people who bought into it, and provided a helping hand in so many different aspects that I don.t know really where to begin. I also know somewhere along the way I.m going to forget to mention someone. If that someone, know still got a special place in my heart, because this year rocked.
Some folks outside of the traditional Keycon structure really helped this year. For example we decided to do full color badges. The folks at Copy Plus, when we realized we didn.t print enough badges, stepped up. With a frantic call at 15:00 on Friday they had the extra badges ready to go by 17:00 on Friday. Iana from their graphics team was absolutely amazing and instrumental. Daria, our publications person, put together the most breath taking Keycon Program book that I have ever seen. The 8.5 x 14 full wrap around cover even awed our guest artist Ruth Thompson. Ladies, (Ruth included) I couldn.t have done any of that without out you. thanks.
The folks at Awards Canada were also super. If you thought the pictures of this year T-Shirts on the Website were fantastic, you should have seen them translate over to the T-shirts. Oh My! Not only was their workmanship awesome, but they got a frantic call at 14:00 on Friday afternoon, saying .Garth, about to sell out of the T-Shirts! Help!. Garth stepped up, and ensured that by 19:00 there was a second run of T-shirts still hot off the presses at Keycon. By the time we closed our merchandise window at 20:30 the second run of T-shirts were gone because they were so hot.
Somewhere in here I have to mention Edgar Governero and his crew. Through out the year he heard me saying .If you want to see something happen, step up and help out.. They did, and in doing so put together one of the best charity auctions ever seen, that went on to raise over $1700 for Raise-a-Reader to promote children.s literacy. Thanks guys, couldn.t have done it without you.
Then there are the hospitality suites. Each of the guests remarked at one point or another that what really set Keycon apart from every other convention were the hospitality suites, and the friendliness of the people. I.m not going to list each of the suites, but the 15th floor was rocking all weekend long, even when I decided to catch a cat nap at almost 5am on Monday morning, people were still going strong. I know at least one person who was still going when my girlfriend dropped her off after noon.
I have to mention my concom. If you want to know who they are, go look at the program book we listed each and every member in there. These folks bought into my vision, embraced it, and ran with it. They saw the vibrant entity that Keycon is, and can still be. Without them, this would have just stayed a vision. My concom made it a reality.
My guests, Frantic Films lived up to their name. Despite being frantic as putting final touches on Superman, they still made it, and did several workshops which left peoples. jaws on the floor. Jacquline Carey and Robert Sawyer wowed fans and worked with local authors to inspire them to hopefully one day achieve the success that they have. Just about every moment Barron Vangor Toth was awake he was participating in the convention helping to make a memorable experience for all of those who interacted with him. Finally, Ruth Thompson.s art inspired all of us. She didn.t just supply the art for the program book and the t-shirts. She mentored the artists who came to see her. Whether it was the art jam, or private one on one sessions, she motivated and has driven more artists to succeed then I could have imagined. Even Sunday night at the Dead Dog, Ruth was working different pieces in the Poisoned Apple.
Then there are the people from the Dark, Havok, and other guests who weren.t billed, but helped us to awe and wow the members. The Short Bus Boys rocked the socks off everyone Saturday Night, and Sunday the Dust Rhinos reminded us why Keycon favorites.
Finally, there are the folks who came out to experience Keycon. We did this for you. Over the last several days many of you have told us that we hit the mark. We delivered you the Keycon experience that you wanted. Not expected, but wanted.
If you were there you already know what I.m about to say is true. If you weren.t, kick your self in the butt because you missed something that was amazing. This weekend Keycon stood up and served notice. It is still alive, vibrant, and can match the dreams of those who go to it. It can be a place where artists, writers, fans, gamers, and people who enjoy a good time can get together and share something special.
Thank you.
- Brian Mitchell, Keycon 2006 Co-Chair
Program Book Online
Come download a PDF version of this year's Program Book. The handly electronix reference to Keycon 2006.
Keycon T-Shirts
Keycon is proud to announce it's T-shirts for 2006!

What is Keycon?
Keycon is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention held in Winnipeg, Manitoba every year during May long weekend. (Keycon is May 19-21st 2006.)
Every year approximately 500 people descend upon downtown Winnipeg to participate in this convention which boasts, among other things, the following attractions:
- Jacqueline Carey, Author, Guest of Honor
- Robert Sawyer, Author, Guest of Honor
- Ruth Thompson, Artist, Guest of Honour
- Frantic Films, Special Effects Company, Guest of Honor
- Barron Vangor Toth, Game Designer, Guest of Honour
- An Art show
- Numerous Panels and Extravaganzas
- The Dealer's room
- The Video room
- Hospitality suites
- And, of course, Gaming