Drop in to learn the game from Doc Wilson of Shared Weave Games
Speakers: M.C. Joudrey, J. Boone Dryden, & Van Kunder How do you develop fully rounded characters in fiction? Will they develop on their own as the story progresses, or do you need to fully flesh them out ahead of time? What…
Speaker: Peter Decourcey Celebrating 30 years of this iconic movie! Has it really been 30 years? What makes this such a good movie? Why is it so quotable? Join in on this panel discussion as we take on this great cult…
Speakers: HMS Peregrine Crew See if you can defend your honour and best your opponent in one of the greatest and most controversial traditions of Manticore! Bring a friend, crewmate, or your arch-enemy: challenge them to a duel and settle…
Speaker: Trish Widish Discussion about Bioware video games, including their latest release, Mass Effect: Andromeda!