Hospitality Suites

What is a Hospitality Suite?

Think of the Hospitality Suites as the official room parties for the convention. Typically they will be themed, often along one or more genres of fandom.

Keycon’s Hospitality suites are more than just a couple of suites. It’s the entire 15th floor of the Radisson. The stories from conventions past have helped the floor transcend to legendary status. From hallway sing-a-longs to spooky suites; new friends found and old friends rediscovered.

A Note From Our Coordinator

Hello peoples and welcome to the 15th floor. This year Hospitality is happy to present for your viewing, singing, dining and “various” other pleasures a wide range of Suites. We have a couple of new groups this year and a few of our favourites have returned. A few very important items for you to remember at all times. Please, remember to wear your badges at all times and have your official government photo ID on you if you wish to partake of an “adult” beverage. NO ID means NO SERVICE. All service animals must be registered with the Conventions Registration and proof of this will be required. Service animals are not to be in the area where food is being served in the hospitality suites. Please remember that alcoholic beverages are not to be taken off the 15th floor. The hotel is not just ours and we must be mindful of the laws both City and Provincial. So Come, Sing, Drink, Eat and have fun!!!

Official Hospitality Suite

The Winnipeg Wasteland

Questions about the Official Hospitality Suite

Check out the Official Hospitality Suite FAQ.

Line-up for the 15th floor

Room Descriptions

1500: SFW


1502: “OFFICIAL” The Winnipeg Wasteland


1504: Room Of Awesome


1506: Tomodachi


1508: WAC


1510: Operations and Public Washroom

Open all convention long. Come here if you need some help or just need to use the facilities. A safe, secure, judgement free zone.

1512: Teen Loft


1514: Vacant


1516: Dandelion


1518: Vacant


Hospitality Floor (15)