Keycon’s Policies
Keycon’s policies have been designed to ensure the safety and comfort of all Members attending each year. Please remember that Membership in the convention in no way supersedes the law. For more information about Keycon and it’s policies please visit the WINSFA page.
Badge Policy

Badging will be in effect in all areas of the convention and at all times this means from opening ceremonies until the end of the dead dog. You may also be REQUIRED to show ID for adult-oriented panels and hospitality suites. If you lose you badge you will need to purchase a new one from Registration Desk!
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Ghostbuster?
Anyone caught in the convention spaces or the hospitality floor without a badge (Ghosting) will be asked to either collect their badge or leave the convention!!! Ghosters can be subject to criminal trespass and or banning from future Keycons.

Weapons and Accessories Policy

Keycon has enjoyed a long safe history of accessorized costumes with next to no accidents or incidents.
Let’s work together to keep it that way for every-one’s enjoyment. You are responsible for your accessory.
Watch where your bow or staff is pointing, let’s keep the ankle bruising and noggin knockin’ to a bare minimum, and ensure that your replica weapon does not break any laws. Keep your blades sheathed, scabbards etc. Securing them in their sheath so that the item cannot be casually removed (peace-bonding) is REQUIRED. If you need help doing so, see Ops and they’ll help out.
Alcohol and Smoking Policy
Keycon’s Hospitality suites are REQUIRED to practice and hold current Manitoba Liquor service certifications and be well informed about the rules concerning mixing alcohol and minors. The rule is: alcohol mixes, minors don’t. Equally heinous is the over-serving of a person who is already intoxicated. Hospitality suites will be carefully checking badges and IDs.

If any minor is found partaking an alcoholic beverage, or a suite is found over-serving a patron, that Hospitality suite will be shut down immediately, for the duration of the convention.
Smoking under Winnipeg Health laws smoking is only permitted in in outdoor areas. Please remember to time your smoking breaks accordingly to allow for travel time especially at peak. There is no smoking on the Radisson Terrace, expect to smoke outside!
Appropriate Dress

We felt it may be prudent to put our apparel expectations or dress code in writing so there is absolutely no confusion. We welcome the use of costumes and enjoy seeing them at the convention. We must however stress that there are other guests of our venue who are not involved in KeyCon and minors present in the venue. All costumes must be family friendly – there can be no nudity (partial or otherwise) in the common area of the venue. Please understand that there are public spaces in the venue that are not Guest rooms, Meeting rooms, or the Hospitality Floor. Anyone who does not follow this dress code will be asked to leave the venue immediately.
To be extra clear this means: In all public spaces, modesty in dress is REQUIRED.
NOTE: There may be filming by local media outlets on site and camera phones are everywhere.
To protect the safety of the masquerade participants, we do not allow flash photography during the masquerade. Ask permission before photographing our guests or other convention members. Do not use tripods and other bulky equipment where they might impede access to seats, doors, and aisles in the event a room must be evacuated.

Children as Fans

Children 11 years old and under may attend with a free children’s membership (with and under the supervision of an authorized adult/babysitter/guardian at all times). Keycon requires that there be at least one supervising adult with a membership accompanying every child member.
Parents of children aged 12-17 who believe their children are mature enough may choose to allow their children to freely roam the convention on their own. Any child who excessively misbehaves or engages in inappropriate, disruptive or dangerous behaviour is subject to having free-roaming privileges or their entire membership revoked.
Some program items dealing with adult-themed topics may be closed to individuals under the age of 18. Photo ID will be required to access these events. Membership in the convention in no way supersedes the law.
Disability Support
Keycon is proudly a member of the Access 2 Program. The Access 2 Program is for individuals with a permanent disability who require the assistance of a support person. Once certified by an authorized health care professional, the individual will receive a personalized Access 2 card. This card indicates to the ticket seller that the individual requires the support of an attendant, to which participating venues grant one free admission, while the person with the disability pays their regular admission fee.


Neither Keycon nor the venue shall be responsible for any items lost or damaged in the public areas of the venue, in the venue’s parking lot, nor in any other parking area during attend at Keycon. All attendees will take responsibility for their own possessions. If another attendee damages your possessions, it is your responsibility to seek recompense from them directly. If an attendee damages venue property, they shall be held personally accountable for their actions and be responsible for repaying any debts so incurred.