Special Events
(a.k.a., Extravaganzas)
Opening Ceremonies- Friday evening

Past Guests of Honour have remarked that not only are the opening ceremonies one of the best attended, they are also some of the most unique, creative, and entertaining of all the conventions they’ve attended. Come and meet the guests, and find out what makes opening ceremonies so special.
Opening Ceremonies is the kick off for the weekend. This is our first chance to see and hear from our guests and get a taste of everything that will be happening over the weekend. Opening ceremonies have included, music, sing-a-longs, and certain hospitality suite organisers hurling chocolate missiles into the crowd.
Ice Cream Social (Meet and Greet)
Keycon provides a unique experience in terms of how attendees get to interact with the guests of Honour. That statement couldn’t be more true when applied to our Ice Cream Social, again, come and meet the guests as they serve a tasty treat!

The Masquerade (a.k.a. The Costume / Cosplay Contest)

It’s part costume contest, it’s also part fashion show / exhibit / presentation / skits / dance routines / and more! There is also usually an intermission featuring a performance (musical, or comedy, or…?). There are many reasons why our members spend all year planning and preparing for The Masquerade.
Audience members are welcome to wear costumes too if they like. However, there is no requirement. Sit back and enjoy seeing to work and performances of our contestants.
The Social (Dance Party)
If you’re from Manitoba, no further explanation is required. For our visitors from out of Town, this is our dance. A chance to shake a leg, and listen to great music all night long. Featuring music, and a late night snack, it’s a great way to spend a Saturday night.

Closing Ceremonies

It’s time to say goodbye. The last official programming item of the convention. Usually the winners of various prizes and contests are announced, swag is bestowed, and a sneak peak at what’s in store for next year.