So, you want to run a programming item at Keycon? Aside from general volunteering, it’s often the best place to start if you want a taste of involvement in the convention.

Did you want to run a Panel or perhaps a Con suite?

… Panel

So, you want to run a programming item at Keycon? Aside from general volunteering, it’s often the best place to start if you want a taste of involvement in the convention. If you are new to running panels, there are a few areas you may want to consider…

Type of Panel

  • Live Reading / Reaction: Reading or presenting of content, where the audience can listen to the content and react, sometimes interacting with the reader or content.
  • Informative: Presenting information to an audience for the purpose of learning about the subject, often with a Q&A at the end (although not required)
  • Discussion / Round Table: A group discussion about a topic or series of topics. Often led by a panelist, but everyone participates equally.
  • Promotive: NOT TO BE USED FOR ACTIVE SELLING, promotive paneling is often informative paneling is often used by organizations to introduce themselves to the community, new media that is being developed (comics, board games, video games) to raise awareness for those organizations or items.
  • Demonstrative: Demonstrative paneling is used as a showcase, either for a skill or activity (Swordfighting, Pin Up Photography, Blacksmithing), or for media to be interacted with (board games, video games, escape rooms).
  • Constructive: In constructive panelling, the attendees will often be creating something. This could include art jams, figure painting, origami, clay sculpting, and more.
  • Participatory / Interactive: Many of the panels above can include interactive aspects, but a participatory / interactive panel would be solely about the activity being done. This can often include things like Trivia Games, Nerf Gun Battles, Karaoke, Blood On The Clocktower and more.

Length of Panel

  • 30 mins / 1 hour / 1.5 – 2 hours / 2.5+  hours: Most panels are scheduled for 1 hour, but upon reasoning, more or less can be given. Discretion is applied by the Programming Department Head.

Number Of Presenters

  • 1-6: Most panels will have 1-3 presenters, but can have more if required by the topic or activity.

Maturity of Content

  • Kids Programming under 13 years old: This content will often include younger fandom topics, or younger activities. Many crafty panels or participatory activities have been run for kids programming.
  • All Ages: These are panels with content that would be suitable for most people. Not geared specifically for younger audiences, but should have minimal adult content (cussing, mature themes, etc)
  • Adult Programming 18+: These panels require participants to be 18 years or older, and will often have mature themes, content, or age requirements for participation. These could include discussions of adult media, tasting fandom themed alcohols, or content with mature themes.

Theming of Content:

  • Science Fiction / Science Fact / Fantasy / Historical / World Building / Fandom & Society / Fandom Representation / Media (music, video, writing, images) / Convention Aspects:
    Fandom can encompass so very much, and so there are so many different topics that can be covered with convention programming. The above listed are just a few examples.

Equipment and Supplies Required

  •  If you know ahead of time that any of these will be needed, Setup Crew can have it ready for you.
  • A/V Hookup (Microphones, Projector, etc): Do you want to show a video or clip as part of your panel? Will you be in a large / noisy room and need a microphone?
  • Table and Chair Arrangements: A Live Reading will only need a single panelist chair, with an audience. However a Round Table will need, well, a round table with chairs surrounding it. 
  • Craft and Art Supplies: Many panelists will be bringing their own supplies for panels, so it is good to know what you will need to bring. However if something small is missed, Like an extra pair of scissors or some painters tape, Setup Crew can probably help out.

Looks like you are all ready to run one! Figure out who your panelists are, what you might need, and fill out an application! We can’t wait to see what you will do!

Want to run a panel? Send an email to with the title and brief description of the panel you would like to run.

… Con Suite

So, you want to run a consuite at Keycon? The consuites are a staple unique to Keycon, and one of the most memorable and favoured part of the convention.

 If you are new to running consuites, there are quite a few areas you may want to consider…

Room Theme:

  • Science Fiction / Science Fact / Fantasy / Historical / Alternate Universe / Horror  / Supernatural / Media (music, video, games, writing, images):
    Fandom can encompass so very much, and so there are so many different topics that can be covered with convention programming. The above listed are just a few examples.

Wet or Dry

  • Wet Consuite: This means that your consuite is serving alcohol after 7 pm to those over 18 years old (ID checking and Serve It Safe are REQUIRED), or allowing alcohol to be brought into your consuite.
    • If alcohol is being served or shared within the suite, it is the responsibility of the consuite hosts to confirm the age of those consuming, and that overconsumption is not happening. If there are issues, report the issue to ops. 
  • Dry Consuite: This means that your consuite is not serving alcohol. You may allow alcohol to be brought in, or choose to ask attendees to not drink in the room.

Activity and Noise Level

  • High Energy Activities: These can be activities that are not noisy on their own, but can get highly energetic, boisterous, or even a bit rowdy. Some examples are board games / video games, escape rooms, interactive activities, dancing, LARP
  • High Volume Activities: These can be activities that require audio, or can get noisy with loud sounds or many people talking at the same time. Some examples are Game Competitions, Karaoke, Party Games)
  • Low Energy Activities: These can be activities that are more relaxed activities, where people can casually participate. Some examples are viewing parties, relaxed conversations, item swaps, board games)
  • Low Volume Activities: These can be activities that are often quiet to do.  Some examples are (Reading room, Crafting Room, art jams, Quiet room or Resting Room,)

Food and Merchandise

  • Food Provided: Most hospitality suites will prepare and sell food, both to help people stay at the convention and to help negate the room costs. Consuites cannot have items that create excess smoke, flames, or certain items such as hotplates. You can have many electrical items like crockpots, flat-grills, air fryers, pressure cookers, and mini-fridges or deep freezers.
    • FOOD SAFETY IS KEY. Anyone preparing or serving food must have their food handler’s certification. Also consider what can be prepared beforehand and what cannot be. Spaghetti is a simple food, and while the meat sauce can be cooked in advance, I have learned that precooked noodles get very mushy when reheated.
  • Drinks Provided: You can sell non-alcoholic beverages as part of the above rules regarding food. However any alcoholic beverages CANNOT be sold. You are allowed to sell stylized glasses and give the alcoholic beverages free of charge with the glass. If you choose to serve alcohol, Serve It Safe must be obtained and followed.
    • ID checking and Serve It Safe are REQUIRED if alcohol is being served or shared within the suite. It is the responsibility of the consuite hosts to confirm the age of those consuming, and that overconsumption is not happening. If there are issues, report the issue to ops. 
  • Merchandise: Many suites will have glasses that they have purchased or stylized to match the theme of their suite. Some suites will have stickers, buttons, or other unique memorabilia items.
  • Silent Auction: A great way to get people into the suite is to have a silent auction. Everybody loves a chance to win new swag, so most suites will have a silent auction draw sometime between closing ceremonies and Monday morning.

Decor and Room Setup Required

  • Depending on the theme of the room, you may want mood lighting, drapery, posters, fun knick-knacks or other fandom paraphernalia. 
  • You may wish to move furniture out of the room, to make room for your own unique items. Let hospitality know, so hotel staff can have that ready for you.

Looks like you are all ready to run one! Figure out who your hosting team are, what you might need, and fill out an application! We can’t wait to see what you will do!

Apply here >