Keycon is a not-for-profit volunteer run convention, fully run by fans just like you! We are Manitoba’s mixed-media fandom convention. This means we invite fandoms of all types as one big community! It is traditionally held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on the Victoria Day long weekend, every year since 1982! 

It focuses on science fiction, fantasy and related genres in any form. It includes, but is not limited to, writing, visual arts, television and film. In terms of content, we might compare it to a Comic Con or an Anime Con, however the size and the format is actually quite a bit different.

Keycon is a far more personal experience with un-monetized Guest interaction, themed hospitality suites, and a focus on community and connection. 

This often involves connecting our guests with the fans via informal contact throughout the convention.

Over the years we’ve had panels with authors, artists, content creators, scientists, musicians, performers, armorers, costumers, blacksmiths, television personalities, game developers, and much more (including the year Cthulhu rose from R’lyeh to join us). 

Everyone is a fan of something, and Keycon is a place to celebrate all those things with others. Just consider us Winnipeg’s Nerdy Block Party!

Some other things that are special to Keycon are the Social and the Hospitality Suites.

The Social is a Manitoba tradition. If you’re from Manitoba, no further explanation is required. For our visitors from out of town, this is our dance. A chance to shake a leg & listen to great music all night long, catch up with old friends & make new ones, and participate in a late-night snack. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday night.

The Hospitality Suites (often referred to as the Con-Suites) are a set of hotel suites that have been reserved for Keycon. Typically they are themed and most people should find something that suits their taste. During the day, they can be a place to sit down for a rest, catch up with a friend, play a game and more. In the evening they are far busier. You could find a filk-concert in one suite, a LAN-party in another suite, and the sky’s the limit in a third…

The most important part of Keycon are the people, the fans. At Keycon, you will find fans of many genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and other Fandom. Everything from androids to zombies, from Artemis Fowl to Timothy Zahn. It’s a great chance to make new new friends and talk about your favourite fandom. We have panels, table top gaming, larping, hospitality suites, art show & auction, masquerade, socials, marketplace, and much, much more!

Ultimately, Keycon is what you make it.