Social – Until 2am

Music, dancing, and Fun

Closing Ceremonies

Speakers: ConChairs Alex Stornell and Carol Leblond This is the official final ceremony for Keycon 34. Join us in a final farewell and thank you to our Guests of Honour and this year’s ConChairs, ConCom and all our volunteers but


Speakers: Thom Alison, Tamsen McDonough and Jean Marc Lafond. Seem more about the Masquerade here.

Breakfast Buffet

Ice Cream Social

Speakers: Guests of Honour Join us for yummy ice cream served by our Guests of Honour.  For more information please see EXTRAVAGANZAS in the Program Guide Book.

Opening Ceremonies

Speakers: Conchairs and Guests of Honour It’s the Opening Ceremonies. Come on out and put a face to the name of all our Guests of Honour and our Also Attending Guests.