What is a Hospitality Suite?
Think of the Hospitality Suites as the official room parties for the convention. Typically they will be themed, often along one or more genres of fandom.
Keycon’s Hospitality suites are more than just a couple of suites, it’s the entire corner of the hotel. The stories from conventions past have helped the floor transcend to legendary status. From hallway sing-a-longs to spooky suites; new friends found and old friends rediscovered.
Club 204 [Description]
The Dandy Lion [Description] [Suite Schedule]
The Loft [Description]
LunaChild’s creative space [Description]
The Purple Orchid [Description]
The SCP Foundation [Description]
WAC [Description]

Suite Descriptions
Club 204
It’s been a long week of slaving away for the man and now it’s time to get down and get your groove on. Get ready to feel that old school vibe at the coolest club in the galaxy. Hang out with the beautiful people, hit the dance floor or just kick back with your favourite beverage. Enter our world of pure pleasure and self indulgence and remember, every night is New Year’s Eve and the party never ends!
The Dandy Lion
Room 320
Filk Music Hospitality Suite [Suite Schedule]
Welcome to our inn, a comfy place for chatting and music making. Drop in any time for tea or coffee, a gluten-free snack, or soup. We are open for fun and music. And remember, anyone can make music!
This year, in the new venue, our concerts, sing alongs and open music circles will be held in a separate room, The Inn Stables out back! (the Boardroom at the end of the hall.) No room in the Inn! Come and listen, perform or sing along. Or work on a jigsaw puzzle!Our schedule of concerts will be posted separately.
Approximate Suite Opening times- 4 pm Friday, & 9 am Saturday & Sunday. Closed during major events and at night whenever the hosts can’t stay awake any more!
Keycon Membership required for The Inn & Stables & all rooms on the Hospitality Floor.
The Loft
Join Rhiannon and her team as they offer a chill hang out room with cheap food & snacks and lots of video games.
Formerly known as the teen loft, this will be a dry room only
LunaChild’s creative space
Lunachild’s Chill Creator Space is a sensory friendly space, ear plugs(for those who may need them), coloring sheets, art supplies and fidgets with be available in the suite. There will be handmade products available to purchase, face painting(by donation) and a silent auction(With Disneyworld exclusive items available to bid on). All money goes toward our Dog, Pluto’s, leg surgery which is going to cost us close to 10,000 dollars.
We will have some stuff for kids, primarily this is a calm room and we will not be serving alcohol.
The Purple Orchid
Welcome all to The Purple Orchid. Experience an Old Style New Orleans themed establishment. Your senses will be transformed as the music fills you with the atmosphere and the spirits keep you warm and euphoric in our Die-ning-room;. The art and decor will also add to the atmosphere and we hope to keep you well entertained and well fed. Spending quality time with us will allow you to ’Disappear’ into another time and place where you won’t be able to leave.
The SCP Foundation
The SCP foundation is an on-line creative writing project/repository of heavily redacted documents detailing anomalous/super-natural phenomena, their properties, capture and containment.
We will be providing print outs of SCP documents for reading. As well as snacks and juice to relax while immersing yourself in the anomalous world of the foundation. We will also be playing audio dramas and SCP animated shots.
Winnipeg Anime Club
Welcome to 305. We are the Winnipeg Anime Club and have been bringing anime to Key-Con since time immemorial (over 20 years now). Please join us for new and up-and-coming shows & old favorites in the world of Anime and Anime-adjacent media. Come on in and see what we have to offer! Grab a slice, a quick snack, or some of the (in)famous Drink of the Elves (DotE) in the WAC-room. Find out what drives us so that we may share our passions with you, and if you’re interested in seeing something not on-schedule, pop in during our request block and ask for it!