Fannish Links
On the web!
By no means complete, this is a list of links that might interest you, if you're an SF fan, if you go to Keycon or are otherwise involved in fandom, etc... Have a favourite link? Send it in to Convention.
Want to link to this site? Try using these banners that I made myself... remember to download and save them to your own site, and not to link to the pictures directly please!

Other Conventions
There are more comprehensive convention listings out there, the grand-daddy being the SF-Lovers Convention List. I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel, so what I've listed here are the ones which are most likely to be of interest first to Winnipeg, then Canadian fans.
Marscon 2002 - Mar. 1 - 3, 2002 - SF convention in Bloomington MN
Minicon 37 - Mar. 29 - 31, 2002 - SF convention in Minneapolis MN
FilKONtario - Apr. 12 - 14, 2002 - Filk music festival in Toronto ON
PrairieConXXIV - June 7 - 9, 2002 - Gaming convention in Brandon MB
Toronto Trek 16 - July 5 - 7, 2002 - SF convention in Toronto ON
Con-version 19 - Aug. 9 - 11, 2002 - SF convention in Calgary AB
ConJose - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2002 - Worldcon in San Jose CA
ValleyCon 27 - October 4 - 6, 2002
Con*Cept 2002 - Nov. 2, 2002 - SF&F Convention in Montreal
World Fantasy Convention 2002 - Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 2002 - World Fantasy Con in Minneapolis MN
Torcon III - Aug. 28 - Sep. 1, 2003 - Worldcon in Toronto ON
Mailing Lists
wpgsf - discussion regarding fandom in Winnipeg
cansf - Canadian SF/fantasy/horror mailing list
keycon - discussing all things con-related
short_plank - Keycon 18's official smoking suite
Winnipeg SF & Fandom Clubs
STW (Star Trek Winnipeg)
Generations - the Star Trek Club
Manitoba Star Wars Guild
Winnipeg Anime Club
Barony of Castel Rouge - Manitoba chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism
LARP Troupes
Centre of the Chaos - Winnipeg (One World By Night)
Fred-By-Night - Winnipeg (One World By Night)
Terror in Thunder Bay - Winnipeg
Winnipeg-By-Night - Winnipeg
Brandon-By-Night - Brandon
Within Shadow's Reach - Fargo, ND (One World By Night)
Personal Pages
Here are some home pages of people you may have met at Keycon...
Computer Sprite's Domain (Amanda Bonner)
Smack Dab in the Middle of the Blue (Edgar Governo)
Dark Side of the Animus (Garth Wilcox)
Penniah's Web (Natalie Verge) (Chris Reddy)
Cyberpinky's Playground (Joey Wensel)
homepage (Mike Hennebry)
~:: Kaylin's Space ::~ (Shauna)
Other Interests
NBAddict - Richard Rempel tells me he's been invited to be on a panel with Pete Abrams. Check him out. Woooo!
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Right now, Keycon feels...
Well, it's over! Hope you were at Keycon 2002!
Last Updated: January 28, 2002 Wee updates all over.
This site and all content © by Keycon 19, unless stated otherwise. Any reproduction prohibited without written permission. Layout image from El Hazard © AIC/Pioneer LDC |