Here's the final version of the Programming schedule. Hope to see you all, old friends and new alike, at the convention!
In addition to all the convention programming on the 12th Floor, don't forget to check out the following:
Manitoba West - Dealers' Room (Friday closed; Saturday 10am - 6pm; Sunday 10am - 4pm)
Manitoba East - Gaming (Friday 6am - midnight; Saturday 8am - midnight; Sunday 8am - 6pm)
Pool Floor
Terrace - Art Show (Friday 7pm - 10pm; Saturday 10am - 6pm; 8pm- 10pm)
Natalie Verge
F R I D A Y |
Time |
Peregrine |
Prairie North/South |
Crocus |
Assiniboine |
6:00 PM |
Opening Ceremonies |
7:00 PM |
Ice Cream Social |
Con-Going 101 |
Return of the WAC Pack! |
Gaming Overflow |
8:00 PM |
C &C with Charles de Lint |
Intro to LARP |
New & Hot at the Theatres |
9:00 PM |
Sluggy Q & A |
Project Stargate |
10:00 PM |
SCA Medieval Dance |
Filking |
11:00 PM |
Midnight |
1:00 AM |
Fannish Purity Test |
2:00 AM |
S A T U R D A Y |
Time |
Peregrine |
Prairie North |
Prairie South |
Crocus |
Assiniboine |
10:00 AM |
Basics of Belly Dancing |
Havok |
11:00 AM |
Art Jam - Draw With Pete! |
Noon |
SCA Combat Demonstration |
LARP Character Creation |
Changeling LARP |
Kid Vid |
1:00 PM |
Animation in Hollywood |
SETI & Extraterrestrial Life |
Craig's Space Trivia |
Cheap@$$ Props |
2:00 PM |
Autograph Session |
Hey Joe, Whaddaya Know? |
Who's SF Line Is It Anyway? |
Joey's Story Circle |
3:00 PM |
Red Dwarf... & Stuff |
Juggling |
Joey's Trivia Challenge |
Gaming Overflow |
4:00 PM |
Electronic Books |
How to Run a Con Suite |
Michael Sheard Pt. 1 |
Capt. Archer - Love'm/Leave'm? |
5:00 PM |
Mars Society |
Wake for the X-Files |
Changeling LARP |
Facepainting |
6:00 PM |
Masquerade Rehearsal |
7:00 PM |
Masquerade |
8:00 PM |
Charles de Lint Concert |
9:00 PM |
Social |
Filking |
10:00 PM |
11:00 PM |
12:00 AM |
1:00 AM |
2:00 AM |
Time |
Peregrine |
Prairie North/South |
Crocus |
Assiniboine |
10:00 AM |
WINSFA Annual General Meeting |
Gaming Overflow |
11:00 AM |
Joey's Trivia Challenge |
Noon |
Marketing Mythic Fiction |
Star Trek Weakest Link |
Spike vs. Angel |
1:00 PM |
Art Auction |
Custom Star Wars Figures | |
2:00 PM |
Internet Comics Publishing |
Favourite RP Experiences |
3:00 PM |
Michael Sheard Pt. 2 |
4:00 PM |
Closing Ceremonies |
5:00 PM |
Beach Panel |